caring for your new tattoo


Once your tattoo is finished, a bandage will be applied.

Please leave your bandage on overnight unless told otherwise.

After removing your bandage, wash your tattoo gently with warm water and mild soap. Avoid soaps with fragrance or dyes. It doesn’t need to be antibacterial, as antibacterial soaps can be very irritating.

Use only your hands to gently massage the tattoo. Do not use wash cloths, paper towels, etc.

Let it air dry! Do not blot it with anything, you can damage the tattoo.

Do not rebandage!

Once your tattoo has dried completely, apply a thin layer of lotion to your tattoo

A little bit goes a long way! Do not over-apply.

You can apply lotion 1 - 3 times a day, maximum. If the tattoo feels fine, and it doesn’t seem like it needs it, don’t use it. The lotion is really for your own comfort, the tattoo will heal on its own.

I highly recommend using Inkeeze Purple Glide for healing. I’ve seen nothing but great results with it. You can buy a tub here.

Other recommendations: Aquaphor, Lubriderm, Curel, Gold Bond, Aveeno

If there’s something else you’d like to use, please check with me first!

While healing, it is VERY important your tattoo stays as dry as possible

Don’t get it wet! Only wash it when necessary.

When you take a shower, just get in and get out.


Keep the water off the tattoo!

Do not put a covering over your tattoo when you shower, that will only trap the heat and moisture.

Absolutely no swimming, hot tubs, etc.

Wear loose, breathable clothing

You must avoid friction against the tattoo while it is healing.

Stay out of the sun!

Your skin needs to heal and sunlight, natural or artificial, is very damaging. Stay in the shade, stay out of the tanning bed, do the best you can until it is healed. Once it is healed, always use a high SPF sunblock. This will keep your tattoo looking like new for much longer!

average healing time is 1 - 2 weeks

During the healing process, your tattoo will go through many stages.

Usually, it will begin to peel and flake after 3-5 days. You may notice light scabbing. It is completely normal for it to look like bits and pieces of your tattoo are flaking off. That is just part of the healing process.

It will itch! It may itch a lot!

Whatever you do…

do not pick at or scratch your tattoo!

Picking or scratching is very damaging, and prematurely removing flakes/scabs from a tattoo can cause ink loss and scarring.

After the peeling stage, you may notice a secondary healing stage

The skin will look tight and shiny, while colors may look somewhat milky. This will go away after another week or so. Continue to treat the tattoo very gently!

If you notice any signs or symptoms of infection, including (but not limited to)

  • redness (worsening after the first few days),

  • swelling

  • tenderness

  • red streaks going from the tattoo site toward the heart

  • purulent drainage from the tattoo site

or any other signs that indicate the need for medical care, please contact your artist and your physician immediately!

When in doubt, ask!

Call or text 515-988-2555 or email

if you have any questions about your tattoo and the healing process.